Greenwood Village

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The Greenwood Village Office Markets

Greenwood Village office market situated from Belleview to Arapahoe road along the west side of I-25 is one of the state’s most desired communities to conduct business. Located west of the famous Denver Tech Center and set in graceful suburban surroundings, the Village is home to a major corporate facilities including Charter Communications, CoBank, Fidelity, Kaiser and Starz Entertainment.

Denver Office Space

Greenwood Village’s centralized location, access to transportation, quality residential housing and labor force, demographics, village services, and a safe suburban setting are all important factors that make the village an attractive business environment. Businesses who locate in the Village enjoy quality infrastructure such as our roadways. Along with that, businesses also enjoy opportunities for recreation and leisure time activities with nearby parks, shopping, dining, and beautiful landscaping in a low taxing environment that is appealing for the business owner or the customer.

The Greenwood Village Office Market offers 142 buildings totaling 9.9 million SF.

At the end of 2024, vacancy was at 21.7%, down from a high of 24.4% in 2022. Significant recent office leases include CONMED’s 50,000 sf at Pallazzo Verdi, Stryker’s 40,000 sf at Triad, Cadence Capital Investments 30,000 sf at Plaza Tower One, and ISEC’s 25,000 sf renewal at The Commons.


With over 46 years of combined experience as Denver’s office tenant representatives, we know how to solve our client’s needs. We aim to save you time and money by working efficiently on your behalf to find you a competitive, fair rate for Denver office space.

12 Step Guide to Leasing Office Space

Download your FREE step by step guide to leasing office space. From your Overall Needs Assessment to your Punch List and final Move In, this free guide will help you navigate the office space leasing process.
12 step guide leasing

Contact Our Leasing Experts

Our Staff are office space leasing experts and are available to help you with your Denver office space needs. Whether you need a broker to help you find and lease office space or an experienced leasing broker to lease your building, Premises Commercial Real Estate is the right choice.

Phone: (303) 662-9300
FAX: (303) 662-9400
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.